It is essential to maintain the safety of the existing built environment and regular inspection is a key element within this process.

Existing Building Safety – A Guideline for Inspection
The Code Council’s Existing Building Safety – A Guideline for Inspection (G7-202x) Guideline Development Committee is meeting every two weeks starting on July 11, 2023 to develop a new guideline for the inspection of existing buildings.
Events such as the Surfside Condominium collapse and other recent events in New York City and Davenport Iowa, highlight the need for guidance on the maintenance and inspections of existing buildings.
The goal of the Existing Building Safety Inspection Guideline is to provide guidance to contractors, property owners, building managers, design professionals and code professionals regarding maintenance and milestone inspections on existing buildings. Read More

CodeNotes: Worker Safety on Roofs and Elevated Surfaces
The 2021 International Mechanical Code® (IMC) addresses the safety of occupants in buildings, and provides for protection for service and inspection personnel. Where equipment and appliances requiring access are installed on roofs and elevated structures, safety for workers performing maintenance is a top concern.