Inaugural IBQC Annual Forum – Universal Good Practice Building Regulation: The Key Elements

The International Building Quality Centre (IBQC) formed an agenda item of a recent virtual conference between WOBO Governors David Gibson, Stephen Jones and Judy Zakreski, Vice President of Global Services ICC.  The discussion related to the centre, it’s base at the University of Canberra, and IBQC’s role as a collaborative entity set up to identify, endorse and encourage best practice systems, regulations, codes, and laws in the area of building safety. WOBO members and fellow professionals are formally invited to participate in the Inaugural IBQC Annual Forum via webex.  The event is scheduled for Friday 9th October 2020; 9am central daylight time (Chicago, GMT -05:00)


Universal Good Practice Building Regulation: The Key Elements

On 9 October 2020, the University of Canberra and the International Code Council are hosting the inaugural annual Forum of the International Building Quality Centre (IBQC).

This first Forum will be held virtually from 2-4pm GMT and will feature a keynote speech from Dame Judith Hackitt, former Chair of the UK Health and Safety Executive and the Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety following the Grenfell Tower fire. Dame Judith is now an advisor to UK Government and to Victoria, Australia Government on delivery of major reform to Building Regulations.

Closing remarks will be delivered by Ms. Sylvia Solf of The World Bank. Various IBQC Board Members will offer insight into the practices that enable safety, efficiency and innovation as discussed in the Principles for Good Practice Building Regulation publication.

Registration is free and welcome to all.

Due to the anticipated difficulty for some in far eastern time zones to join the Forum live, a recording will be made available via the IBQC website from 12 October 2020 onward.


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