WOBO thanks WOBO Governor and founder, Omkar Channan, for the link to action taken in INDIA to remove unauthorised buildings in respect of both health and safety, and the violation of India’s National Building Code 2005

The twin towers in Noida, built illegally by realty firm Supertech Ltd., were brought down within 12 seconds around 2.30 p.m. on August 28 with more than 3,700 kg of explosives.
Neighbouring residents as well as people who had travelled from various place outside Noida witnessed and cheered the demolition from the roofs of the nearby buildings.
Noida Twin Tower Demolition LIVE: Watch Aftermath Of The 9 Sec Demolition Of Supertech Twin Towers.
The legal dispute began in 2009 when four residents raised concern regarding Supertech Limited’s violation of building by-laws by building the twin towers. The core team of Emerald Court Owner Residents Welfare Association (ECO RWA) included Uday Bhan Singh Teotia (ex- DIG of CRPF), SK Sharma, Ravi Bajaj, and MK Jain.
Shortly after, in 2010, the builder started digging up more areas, where a shopping complex and garden had been planned. They then found out that the builder was planning two new 40-floor towers in that area – Apex and Ceyanne. The legal expenses amounted to almost Rs 1 crore (Rs 10 million). MK Jain, who passed away in 2021 due to COVID, led the team and raised money.
In mid-2012, residents of Emerald Court filed a case before the Allahabad High Court seeking for the demolition of the twin towers. In April 2014, the high court ruled in favor of the residents. The matter reached to the Supreme Court of India, which upheld the Allahabad High Court decision on August 31, 2021. The construction of the towers violated India’s National Building Code, 2005 (NBC).