International Code Council Updates

WOBO congratulates Judy Zakreski and thanks ICC for the update in terms of developments taking place.

Judy Z.

Code Council’s Judy Zakreski Appointed to Serve on Industry Trade Advisory Committee

Committee members are appointed jointly by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce and the U.S. Trade Representative to provide valuable expertise and advice to the U.S. government on international trade matters. On ITAC 15, Zakreski will represent the viewpoint of the Code Council and its members in the U.S. building standards industry.  Learn More





History of the A117.1 Accessibility Standard and What’s to Come

e A117.1 Accessibility Standard has been an essential part of the built environment for more than six decades, creating meaningful change that has improved accessibility for millions of people.

Accessibility is one of the most important parts of the built environment, but there will never be a single solution that can be implemented to solve every concern. The intricacies and individual needs of each person are too vast and varied for a one-size-fits-all approach. For every objective that stands to improve the lives of those who are disabled, there will always be another that has yet to be recognized.

As additional necessities come to light, changes must be made to accommodate the needs of as many people as possible. Achieving accessibility is therefore an evolving process for building safety professionals and all who are involved in developing, refining and updating the A117.1 Accessibility Standard.

“The first edition of the A117.1 standard was issued in 1961,” said Ken Schoonover, an independent consultant who has been involved with A117.1 for more than four decades. “It came about as a product of advocates for people with disabilities. Over time, the standard has responded to new issues that have been identified, new technology that has come along and expanded the types of disabilities that need to be accommodated in buildings.”  Learn More


Facilitating Affordability, Sustainability and Regulatory Consistency Through Standards for Off-Site Construction

The National Association of Home Builders has announced a resolution endorsing the adoption of the ICC/MBI Standard 1200 series at the federal, state and local levels, including beneficial amendments made during the adoption process.

Resolved that National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) support the adoption, at the federal, state, and local levels, including beneficial amendments made during the adoption process, of a coordinated set of off-site construction process standards, which includes ICC/MBI Standard 1200-2021 Off-site Construction Planning, Design, Fabrication, and Assembly and ICC/MBI Standard 1205-2021 Off-site Construction Inspection and Regulatory Compliance;

Further resolved NAHB support amendments or exceptions to ensure structural panels or structural products already covered by International Building Code special inspections for fabricated items or standard building department inspections are not subject to off-site construction standards, or to address other conflicts identified by NAHB’s Construction, Codes and Standards Committee;

Further resolved that NAHB partner with the International Code Council and other affiliated stakeholders to enhance the training and education on off-site construction.  Read More




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