WOBO thanks ICC for the links to activities in progress

Rehabilitation of Building Sewers and Building Drains in the I-Codes
Section 718 of the 2021 International Plumbing Code® (IPC) covers a process referred to as the “cured in place pipe” (CIPP) method of pipe rehabilitation for relining of building sewers and drains. Here we cover the CIPP process, which involves inserting a felt tube into a flexible calibration tube (for insuring the final cured pipe).
Read more: iccsafe.org/e3t/Ctc/2L+113/cPmD3040
Proposed IBC Committee Interpretation No. 86-22
A proposed Committee Interpretation to Section 1007.1.1 Two exits or exit access doorways of the 2021 International Building Code® (IBC) was posted for International Code Council’s Membership review and comment on March 29, 2023. The review and comment period will end April 28, 2023.
Read more: iccsafe.org/e3t/Ctc/2L

Bipartisan Legislative Effort to Preserve U.S. National Safety Standards
Through the Pro Codes Act, the U.S. Congress recognizes the vital role consensus-based codes and standards play in public safety. The Pro Codes Act will protect the codes and standards widely used by the federal, state, local, tribal and territorial governments to ensure building safety policies.
Read more: iccsafe.org/e3t/Ctc/2L+113/cPmDMQBv3jCx1