WOBO is pleased to provide members and fellow professionals with a link to the Masters in Renewable Energy in the Marine Environment and the opportunity to advance their qualifications

Renewable energy plays a more and more important role. At a social level, renewable energy contributes to a sustainable energy system, by providing a more independent power system and contributing to the reduction of global warming and climate change.
Offshore renewable energy has a vast potential, but they represent a major technological challenge. The harsh conditions offshore demand advanced specific knowledge in various scientific and technological fields, and specifically trained professional are made by this industry.
The aim of the REM PLUS master is to form specialists with the required skills to accomplish this technological challenge. The Programme is a two years masters’ course consisting of 4 semesters of study (120 ECTS).
Student mobility is compulsory so that each student must undertake the Programme by enrolling at three of the four partner universities (including for completion of a master thesis).
The Master program is fully presented in English and classes are presented by professors of University of the Basque Country (Spain), University College Cork (Ireland), Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France) and NTNU (Norway), and professionals from the supporting companies and institutes.
The master also offers the possibility to develop the Master’s thesis in one of the supporting entities and it offers a number of scholarships.