LABC Warranty – Technical update

LABC Warranty have published updated, additional guidance on the use of rendering on different substrates. The guidance also includes specification and quality assurance guidance on site-made renders, together with a specification pro-forma you can hand to your risk management surveyor. They  have also published a checklist for your use.

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Introduction: This article provides additional guidance on the use of rendering on different substrates. It is important that all workmanship carried out during construction be completed in accordance with the relevant tolerances. The article covers:

  1. General requirements
  2. Rendering directly onto masonry outer leafs to cavity walls
  3. Render cladding systems onto timber / steel framed structures
  4. Direct Rendering onto Insulated Concrete Formwork Structures (ICF)
  5. Rendering on External wall insulation systems (EWI or EWCS)
  6. Rendering below Horizontal DPC level- ALL Cases (i.e. within 150mm of the adjacent ground level)

You can download our Specification and Quality Assurance guide for site made renders and handy checklist here.


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