Modular Construction, High Risk Residential Buildings and the Ethics of Building Safety.

Modular Construction is a potential key to future safety and as such safety cases should be created and utilised.

The Grenfell Tower tragedy has quite rightly ushered in a renewed focus from government and regulators on the safety of residential high-rise buildings. The Buildings Safety Act is expected to receive Royal Assent in the first half of 2022, with significant changes to duties around risk management being phased in over the subsequent 18 month period.

Building on Dame Judith Hackitt’s Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety, the centre piece of this new regime is a requirement for higher risk buildings to have a Safety Case owned by an Accountable Person. In practice this means Accountable Persons, normally the landlord or freeholder, will need to be able to demonstrate that risks have been identified and assessed, and a credible plan is in place to reduce or control them to an appropriate level. This all needs to be documented, kept up to date and submitted to the Building Safety Regulator via Safety Case Reports.  Read more…

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