Developments are ongoing and WOBO appreciates articles and information for circulation within its membership.

Philippines’ DPWH to rehabilitate Concepcion – La Paz Road section in Tarlac
The Philippines’ Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has revealed that it is rehabilitating a section of the domestic Concepcion – La Paz Road in Tarlac, Barangay Paludpud, La Paz.
The project aims to ensure fast and safe travel within the province.
The reconstruction of the damaged 608m section is being carried out by the DPWH Tarlac Second District Engineering Office (DEO).
With an investment of 48.46m pesos ($0.84m), the upgrade to the six-lane road is expected to provide a convenient travel experience to both residents and motorists.
Targeted for completion in June 2024, the project’s progress is said to have an accomplishment rate of 46%. Workers are fast-tracking the roadworks to meet the deadline.
DPWH Regional Office 3 director Roseller A Tolentino said: “We are taking advantage of sunny days to provide a road network that will cater to all road users here in Tarlac.”

Veidekke to build 96 apartments for Mathildetunet residential project
Scandinavian contractor Veidekke has been awarded a design-and-build contract to construct 96 apartments as part of the Mathildetunet residential project in Skårerbyen, Norway.
Commissioned by Selvaag Bolig, the contract is valued at Nkr260m ($23.78m), excluding VAT.
The Mathildetunet residential project in total is anticipated to include 196 new homes.
According to the latest contract, Veidekke will be responsible for erecting three buildings, ranging from four to seven storeys, which will encircle a shared outdoor space.
This area will include landscaped gardens and facilities for play and recreation for the community.
The 96 apartments will range in size from 39m² to 108m² and feature large windows and high ceilings.
Below ground, the project will include a garage with parking spaces, storage units, and technical facilities.

SRV to construct new building at Tampere University campus
SRV has entered into a project management contract with University Properties of Finland to renovate and expand the Sähkötalo building at the Hervanta campus of Tampere University in the country.
The contract, valued at approximately €47m ($50.2m), will be added to SRV’s order backlog for May this year.
The project involves the construction of a new Research Hub building at the current Sähkötalo site and the renovation of linked parts of the existing building.
The Research Hub is expected to centralise the university’s experimental research environments, offering functional and spatial synergies, as well as building service benefits.
Tampere University will be the main user of the building housing several laboratories and ancillary facilities.
The size of the new building will be 8,800 gross square metres while the renovated section will cover approximately 6,900 gross square metres.

FEMA’s BRIC Program Cycle Sees a More Than Ten-Fold Increase in Building Code Investments
In its latest annual Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) cycle, FEMA received a record-setting 133 building code-specific applications, totaling $52 million in federal cost share requested – the largest amount ever received by FEMA for building code projects.
Empowering Change: Inaugural World Water Awareness Campaign Recap
The Code Council’s World Water Awareness campaign featured new research and information to facilitate the rapid implementation of modern building codes and standards while helping guide decision-makers in managing limited resources, both in the U.S. and globally. – Read More

Rainwater Harvesting Systems in the I-Codes
The provisions of the CSA B805/ICC 805-2018 Standard for Rainwater Harvesting Systems, serve as an alternative to Chapter 13 of the 2021 International Plumbing Code® (IPC®) for regulating the materials, design, construction, and installation of systems for rainwater collection, storage, treatment, and distribution of non-potable water.
RENMAD H2 Logistics Europe 2024: Discover our agenda and confirmed speakers
Europe is positioning itself as a global leader in the production and consumption of renewable hydrogen. With ambitious national targets of producing 10 million tons and importing an additional 10 million tons by 2030, comprehensive logistics for renewable hydrogen is crucial to achieving these goals, representing both a key challenge and a business and partnership opportunity.
In this context, it is essential for companies in the sector to work together. RENMAD H2 Logistics Europe 2024 offers you a unique space to meet and collaborate with over 150 key players from companies in the sector with hands-on experience in H2 storage and transportation and its associated infrastructure and learn from over 30 expert speakers from leading companies such as MITECO, Calvera Hydrogen, Enagás Transporte, Redexis, Repsol, and Sedigás, among others.
Discover the confirmed topics and speakers here: