WOBO appreciates the information provided by founder WOBO President Omkar Channan. The ENERGY GLOBE Award is an environmental prize awarded annually in more than 180 countries by the non-profit ENERGY GLOBE Foundation based in Austria. The award recognizes projects focusing on energy efficiency, sustainability, and...

United Nations World Urban Forum 12 – Cairo

WOBO is pleased to support the programme scheduled for November 2024. WUF12 –  Cairo, Egypt | 4–8 November Application is now open for partner-led events for the twelfth session of the World Urban Forum (WUF12) taking place from 4 to 8 November 2024 in Cairo, Egypt....

Renewable Energy News

WOBO is please to provide energy news from “Renewable Energy” Minnesota Development Awarded $4.7M for Geothermal Energy System The Minnesota Climate Innovation Finance Authority (MnCIFA) awarded a $4.7 million loan, the first for MnCIFA, to The Heights Community Energy, who plans to construct and operate...

edie news updates

WOBO and its members and fellow professionals appreciate the news items provided by “edie” Activists or accountants?: Are sustainability professionals stuck in reporting mode? Integrated reporting, rampant disclosure requests, a dizzying increase in voluntary and mandatory frameworks. It is fair to say that many sustainability...

edie News and Updates

WOBO is pleased to share the news items received from edie. Food waste inflicts $1trn economic loss on global scale, UN report warns A new report from the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has highlighted that food waste remains a significant detriment to the global economy...

International Building Quality Centre News

WOBO appreciates the work carried out by Lovegrove and Cotton and their recent updates in respect of IBQC. IBQC Risk Based Building Classification and Mandatory Inspection Guidelines are now out.  The IBQC has launched the Risk Based Building Classification and Mandatory Inspection Guidelines. This was...

Australia Updates and News

WOBO recognises the work that Create Digital does in disseminating activities taking place within Australia. Medical devices designed to better humanity From more sophisticated wheelchairs to exoskeletons and digital twins, the possibilities presented by rehabilitation engineering are endless. Rehabilitation engineering has always been a small...

Training and Development Opportunities 7

WOBO is pleased to provide further dates for your diaries and professional development during 2024. Accelerating Innovation and Data Management for Forests A UN DESA Global Policy Dialogue Thursday, 28 March 2024, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. EDT, online Register at Join the United Nations Department of...

Cross-UK Newsletter 72

WOBO thanks the Institution of Structural Engineers, Institution of Civil Engineers and the Institution of Fire Engineers for the support they provide to all participants within the construction process.    CROSS-UK Newsletter 72 Overview CROSS-UK Newsletter 72 includes expert comments on fire and structural safety...

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