Collaboration is key to the future!!

President Paul Myers with OBOA (Ohio) and WOBO Member Jeffrey Rettberg at the Annual meeting of the Ohio Building Officials Association. The Annual Meeting of the Ohio Building Officials returned as a face-to-face event after the covid hiatus. The event was located in the city of Dublin, Ohio just outside of the State capital Columbus, Ohio.
It was anticipated to have 150 people in attendance, however, the attendance surged to over 350 individuals. The election and installation of the new Board of Directors occurred during the annual banquet. Mr. Mike Boso, ICC Board member and OBOA, WOBO member, installed the OBOA Board of Directors. While continuing education was the focus of the three day, everyone was happy to resume normal business activities. The event provided the opportunity for Paul to meet and discuss activities of WOBO.

Jim Stockdale

Walt Moella

John Gibson
Nick Montan