Professional Development is key to your success.

Webinar: 15 March – The Digitisation of the Golden Thread
Are you golden thread ready? Join our webinar with PlanRadar

Wednesday, 8 March 2023, 14:00 PM GMT
Webinar: Is there a lack of ethnic and cultural diversity in leadership in security & safety?
Studies conducted on diversity in the private sector show that businesses with a greater representation of ethnic and cultural minorities in leadership positions perform better. Where do challenges remain, what are the solutions and what are the benefits to a more ethnically and culturally diverse workforce? Register now

Day One: Tuesday 21 March 2022 4:30pm – 6:00pm
The Building Centre, London
Building Safety Act: Managing, meeting and understanding competency requirements
With the Building Safety Act being the single biggest change in building regulations in 40 years there are no shortage of issues the industry needs unpacked. It contains many measures, but one area that is of particular importance to construction professionals is the new responsibilities that will be taken on by designated duty-holders, who will have to demonstrate competency in their field and meet new building safety requirements. SECURE YOUR SPACE
The Sustainable Energy Council in partnership with the Port of Rotterdam, the City of Rotterdam and the Province of Zuid-Holland, are pleased to announce the Summit Programme for the World Hydrogen 2023 Summit & Exhibition.
As hydrogen takes central stage in global debates, subsidy schemes and energy transition plans, join us in Rotterdam to access the latest industry developments world-wide. Discover the role governments are playing to contribute to the hydrogen economy, the latest electrolyser production and scale-up opportunities, and leading projects decarbonising heavy industry sectors.
This May, don’t miss your opportunity to participate in our summit programme where you can ask your questions to leading hydrogen experts and government representatives and ensure you have the most cutting-edge insights to drive your hydrogen projects forward.
Renewable energy plays a more and more important role. At a social level, renewable energy contributes to a sustainable energy system, by providing a more independent power system and contributing to the reduction of global warming and climate change.
Offshore renewable energy has a vast potential, but they represent a major technological challenge. The harsh conditions offshore demand advanced specific knowledge in various scientific and technological fields, and specifically trained professional are made by this industry.
The aim of the REM PLUS master is to form specialists with the required skills to accomplish this technological challenge. The Programme is a two years masters’ course consisting of 4 semesters of study (120 ECTS).
Student mobility is compulsory so that each student must undertake the Programme by enrolling at three of the four partner universities (including for completion of a master thesis).
The Master program is fully presented in English and classes are presented by professors of University of the Basque Country (Spain), University College Cork (Ireland), Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France) and NTNU (Norway), and professionals from the supporting companies and institutes.
The master also offers the possibility to develop the Master’s thesis in one of the supporting entities and it offers a number of scholarships. CHECK THE PROGRAMME