Recommendations on the future regulation of the Building Control Sector and Profession in England

We live and work in an environment of constant change and it is interesting to note the challenges and opportunities taking place within England.

Industry publishes Recommendations on the future regulation of the Building Control Sector and Profession in England

Recommendations on the future regulation of the Buulding Control Sector and Profession in England Leadership organisations from across the building control sector, including CABE, have come together in the ‘Future of building control working group’ to develop 11 key recommendations for the future oversight and regulation of the profession and Building Control Bodies in England.

The group has produced proposals for regulation of the building control profession following discussion with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). Reform of the building control sector is an important part of the Building Safety Programme and responds to recommendations in the Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety relating to competence of the Building Control Profession.

The 11 recommendations are a starting point for further dialogue with government and the Building Safety Regulator as to how best to protect the public interest through ensuring competent professional and organisational standards in the Building Control Sector.

Key recommendations include:

  • steps to simplify and unify building control legislation, process and procedures
  •  an independent designated body to oversee professional registration and organisational audit
  • introduction of a new competence framework to cover all persons working in building control including those working on higher risk buildings in scope of the new regulator
  • an unified pan-industry Code of conduct for all Building Control Bodies and professionals
  • an unified pan-industry career structure to set clear expectations of competence across the building control sector.

Read the document in full: Recommendations on the future regulation of the Building Control Sector and Profession in England

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