Reimagining the ICC Performance Code

Performance is always subject to review.


WOBO was pleased to receive an update on Reimagining the ICCPC.

“We have recently added a number of informational resources to the project website in the form of useful websites, online resources, and media presentations. The useful websites point to various groups and information sources across the spectrum of areas for performance-based codes and design. The online resources include reports and papers that provide background, context, and new information in these areas. The media presentations currently include background and context material and an overview of the roundtable sessions held over the past two months. A list of topics that formed the basis for the roundtable discussions can be found in the associated PDF file of the presentation. Looking ahead, recordings from the roundtable sessions will be posted in the coming weeks, and in February 2022, a workshop is being planned to bring together a broad cross-section of stakeholder groups to work together to help to define key needs and outline key steps for moving forward. If you are interested in this initiative, please join the LinkedIn discussion forum to add your perspectives”.

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