WOBO thanks Renewable Energy for the links to their articles on energy developments

UK Government’s “Powering up Britain” strategy draws mixed reactions
The UK Government’s new “Powering up Britain” strategy has received a mixed reaction from voices across the country. According to The Guardian, for example, green business groups and academics across the country have concluded that the strategy is a “missed opportunity” “full of policies that do not go far enough to power Britain’s climate goals”.
Read more: renewableenergymagazine.com/panorama
Guidehouse Insights explore opportunities for green hydrogen project financing in Europe and the US in new report
According to a new report from Guidehouse Insights, attracting financing for green hydrogen facilities and moving them the various stages of project development is expected to improve in 2023, although progress will still favour projects with limited offtake risk and well capitalised backers.
Attracting financing for green hydrogen facilities currently remains a major challenge. The proportion of projects that have taken a final investment decision (FID) or begun construction is currently a small fraction of the overall pipeline, representing less than 2 percent of planned capacity in Europe and the US.
“Potential financiers must be able to make an informed assessment of a project’s cashflows and risk profile to make a commitment” said Jacques Moss, research analyst with Guidehouse Insights. “In most cases, this requires projects to have secured long-term offtake agreements with creditworthy counterparties.”
Green hydrogen projects also present added difficulties to stakeholders familiar with more conventional forms of energy infrastructure, including increased value chain complexity, an uncertain regulatory environment, and a limited track record of technology performance and lifetimes, according to the report.
Read more: renewableenergymagazine.com/hydrogen/guidehouse-insights-explore-opportunities-for-green-hydrogen

The largest solar PV park in Sweden to date now ready to enter construction phase
Two Swedish landmark large scale PV projects developed by Helios Nordic Energy AB reach RtB, with a combined electricity production capacity of 113 GWh, are to be handed over to Danish solar energy company Nordic Solar A/S
Helios Nordic Energy AB, a developer of large-scale PV solar parks entered into an agreement, in June 2022, with a Danish solar energy company, Nordic Solar, to sell four projects from Helios project pipeline.
Two of the four projects have reached RtB, after obtaining all necessary permits and grid connection agreements, and have been handed over to Nordic Solar.
The first project is close to Hultsfred airport in southern Sweden and will have the potential to accommodate for up to 92 MWp capacity, making it one of the largest official PV solar projects in Sweden entering construction phase.
The other project is in the estate of Medinge, north of Örebro and will have the potential to accommodate for an installed capacity of up to 21 MWp. The project has been developed rapidly and it has taken less than a year to obtain all necessary permits and a grid connection agreement with the local grid operator Linde Energi.
Read more: www.renewableenergymagazine.com/pv_solar/the-largest-solar-pv-park-in-sweden
Mazda and partners conclude offsite corporate PPA on solar power generation
Toyo Seat Co., Ltd., Choshu Industry Co., Ltd., The Chugoku Electric Power Co.,Inc., and Mazda Motor Corporation have concluded an offsite corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) on solar power generation, a renewable source of energy, to help support the transition towards a carbon neutral society.
Under the PPA, Choshu Industry will serve as the electric power producer, with Choshu Industry and Mazda installing new solar power generation facilities on unused land in the Chugoku Region, using those facilities to generate electricity, which will then be sold to Chugoku Electric Power. Chugoku Electric Power will then supply this electricity to Toyo Seat and Mazda as a source of renewable energy.
This agreement represents the Chugoku Region’s first offsite corporate PPA involving more than one electric power consumer. From April this year, under the PPA, Chugoku Electric Power will commence, in stages, the supply of approximately 4,900 kW in renewable energy generated by solar panels to plants and other places of business belonging to Toyo Seat and Mazda. These arrangements are expected to reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 2,610 tons.
Read more: www.renewableenergymagazine.com/pv_solar/mazda-and-partners-