WOBO thanks the Scottish Government for the update relating to developments taking place.

National Planning Framework 4: Revised Draft Now Published
Today we have laid, in the Scottish Parliament, our Revised Draft National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) and an Explanatory Report which sets out the changes since Draft NPF4.
NPF4 is our long term spatial plan for Scotland. Extensive public consultation and Parliamentary scrutiny of Draft NPF4 was undertaken earlier this year, and the text has been restructured and clarified to respond to those views.
Alongside the Revised Draft and Explanatory Report we have also published the following publication:
- National Planning Framework 4 Delivery Programme
- National Planning Framework 4 Housing Land Requirement Explanatory Report Addendum
- Habitats Regulations Appraisal of National Planning Framework 4 – HRA Record
- National Planning Framework 4 Final Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment
- Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of National Planning Framework 4 Proposed National Development Assessment Findings
- Draft National Planning Framework 4 Analysis of Responses to the Consultation
NPF4 is required to be approved by the Scottish Parliament, then adopted and published by Scottish Ministers.
Further information is available online.
Local Development Planning – Regulations and Guidance: Consultation analysis
Today we published the independent analysis of responses on the consultation on Local Development Planning – Regulations and Guidance. This consultation sought views on the secondary legislative requirements and the draft guidance to stakeholders on implementing the future local development plan system.
Draft Open Space Strategies Regulations and Draft Play Sufficiency Assessment Regulations: Consultation analysis
We have published the analysis of responses on the public consultation on draft Open Space Strategies Regulations and draft Play Sufficiency Assessment Regulations which ran between 17 December 2021 to 31 March 2022. The Consultation sought to gather views with regards to the proposed provisions in both sets of draft regulations.
Place Standard
An updated version of the Place Standard tool is now available. The revised tool has enhanced functionality, content and appearance and provides an improved method of engaging with people on the quality of their local place. Based on extensive consultation with users and experts and a review of the evidence around place and health, the updated tool retains the existing structure of 14 themes but includes revised content to support more effective and relevant local conversations. An updated digital tool is also available which enables Group Administrators to create customised content and take advantage of enhanced reporting functions.
The Place Standard with a Climate Lens was also recently launched. Designed to be used alongside the updated Place Standard tool, these resources support place-based conversations to go into further depth around climate issues. They are designed to help people to understand how climate change might play out in a local area, enabling them to consider adaptation, the move to net zero, and just transition in relation to their place. and supporting them to design their future place with climate in mind.
How to keep up to date
- Web: Scottish Government website and Transforming Planning
- Twitter: @scotgovplanning and @DigiPlanningSG
- E-alerts: Planning and Architecture news updates
- Follow our blog for news and stories from Planning and Architecture
- Online application service: eDevelopment.scot