Sustainability – Code Development and Enforcement

WOBO welcomes your response to Paul Myers’, WOBO President, conceptual paper on sustainability.

Members and Fellow Professionals – we live in difficult times and it is essential that as professionals we strive to protect our resources and create effective, sustainable buildings for now and future generations.  I have taken the opportunity to consider the general theme of sustainability and put forward a paper for your consideration and comment. 

Many thanks.





The current situation regarding building code enforcement varies dramatically throughout the world.

As might be expected, the industrialized nations lead the world in systematic code enforcement and the utilization of updated, contemporary building codes.  The remainder of the world experiences a varying reduction in the level of code enforcement activities.

This differential runs the gambit from;

  • out-of-date code documents
  • poor code enforcement techniques
  • no code enforcement of any kind

The detrimental impact of natural and man-made disasters has been well documented by multiple agencies around the globe. Read more….

Code Enforcement – SUSTAINABLITY

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