Testing, classification and certification of building products with a reaction to fire performance requirement

WOBO thanks IFSEC GLOBAL for the link to the paper by Stephen Harris.

Stephen Harris Staff Engineer at UL UK, introduces the standard testing requirements for reaction to fire of building products, looks at what can influence fire test performance and examines the added value that independent third-party certification offers those who specify products for the built environment. 

The paper provides an indepth approach to both the British and European Standards, components, systems, performance and Third Party Certification 

Fire in buildings puts the safety of occupants at risk, either directly, by exposure to the fire conditions, or indirectly, as a result of the response of the building to exposure to fire. Potential responses of the building that could represent a risk to life safety include:

  • Ease of ignition, resulting in early involvement
  • High rates of heat release
  • Rapid spread of fire on surfaces (walls and ceiling linings)
  • Production of excessive volumes of smoke
  • Behaviours, such as melting and particles/flaming droplets
  • Excessive heat flames and smoke flow through fire separating elements of structure
  • Excessive distortion of the structure – rendering the building unsafe
  • Total or partial collapse of the structure due to fire weakening the structure

What does reaction-to-fire testing involve?

Reaction-to-fire testing measures the contribution of a material or system to fire, at the early stages of a fire (1) to 5) detailed above), as this is crucial to the safe evacuation of a building. European tests differ in methodology from the older British standard tests. There are some equipment differences, and in particular the test result classification, are different. The European tests classifying the smoke release performance of a product and also the number of particles/flaming droplets the product produces. Both of these are key elements in the risks that a product poses when involved in the early stages of a fire.  Read more…

Tech Talks: Testing, classification and certification of building products with a reaction to fire performance requirement 

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