The UK: Code for Construction Product Information (CCPI)

Compliance starts with the construction products!


The Code for Construction Product Information (CCPI) will help organisations drive higher standards in the presentation on construction product information, prioritising building safety.

Whether written in a brochure, a presentation, on a website or social media, the CCPI will seek to provide assurance that users of product information have the necessary facts when making decisions about specifying or installing their verified products.

There are eleven Clauses of the CCPI (see below for more information) which cover a wide range of matters from responsibility for product information, to transparency of performance, proof of stated claims, general information and competency. The CCPI is built around five ‘acid tests’ – product information must be Clear, Accurate, Up-to-date, Accessible and Unambiguous.

The aim is that clients, specifiers and users will insist on only working with CCPI compliant products.

The CCPI will ensure:

    • Independent and robust verification, working to regain the trust of the public and external stakeholders, setting the market for UK construction products ahead of others.
    • Participating companies will fundamentally benefit from getting their house in order – facilitating compliance with anticipated new regulatory requirements and giving specifiers, users and clients assurance regarding the performance of the construction products they select.
    • With a focus on culture, leadership and ethics, CCPI is working to build trust, support an environment for healthy challenge within organisations regarding product performance and safety, and ensure that product information is reliable and correctly stated.

As the Building Safety Regulator and Construction Product Regulator get established, this is a clear way for the industry to show it is up to the challenge and respond fully to the issues being raised.

Please note – the CCPI is currently in a pilot phase, after development and consultation with the construction product manufacturing industry, specifiers, users and other stakeholders. It is expected to launch for registrations in the autumn.


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