WOBO encourages professionals to keep in touch with fire developments.

In the latest episode of the Fire Protection Association’s (FPA) Assembly Point podcast, Managing Director, Jonathan O’Neil OBE, explores the introduction of the new Building Safety Bill with three fire safety experts to find out their opinion on the proposed legislation, and whether they believe it can prevent another tragic event like Grenfell from happening again. SHP reports on some of the key takeaways from the discussion.
Allan Meek, Director of Group SCS, is the first to share his opinion on the passing, querying whether the vast amount of money and manpower needed to assess already built buildings is truly viable. Meek draws attention to the problematic nature of enforcing the legislation in residential buildings, unlikely to have qualified employees responsible for carrying out weekly checks.
Niall Rowan, Representative from the Association of Specialist Fire Protection, echoes Allan in his belief that the passing of the Bill will be a huge learning curve for the industry, from developers, to designers, to end-users, everyone will be affected in some way.
The importance of third-party certification is a common theme throughout the talk, all parties argue that professionals should be lobbying for its use as an easier way for end-users to have confidence that they are engaging in business with competent providers. Read more….
Are industry professionals confident in the new Building Safety Bill?