WOBO recognises the acivities taking place within the UK in terms of products and services.

Webinar Series: A guide to UKCA Marking and what time means for you and your business
Date: 17th / 18th / 19th May 2021
Time: 11.00am GMT
Duration: Approx. 30 minutes each
We are just a little over 7 months away from the 31 December 2021 UKCA deadline for the final transition from CE Marking of products sold into the UK market. And while it may seem like there is still enough time ahead, for many manufacturers who want to continue to trade within the UK and/or the EU, understanding the detail behind UKCA Marking is critical to adjust their production and business processes by the end of the year.
It is not only the manufacturers of these products that need to understand these changes, as they will affect suppliers, distributors, specifiers and many other originations that trade within the UK market.
To help, we’ve launched a 3-part webinar mini-series that aims to provide you with the tools and insight you need to ensure you’re ready.
Places are limited, so be sure to register. Access to view the webinar is on a first-come, first-served basis.