WOBO recognises the need for its members and fellow professionals to keep up to speed in respect of health and safety matters.

Gas Safety Week 2022 toolkit is available now
Gas Safety Week is a week-long annual campaign which focuses on ensuring the general public knows how to stay gas safe.
Coordinated by Gas Safe Register, the campaign traditionally marks the ‘big switch on’ in mid-September when people start to turn gas appliances on and use their heating more regularly.
Gas Safety Week 2022 runs from 12-18 September and focuses on the theme ‘Get In The Know’, encouraging people to stay aware of gas safety and to look for the signs which might show something is wrong.
There is a toolkit which supporters can use, which includes social media updates, images and animations, web banners, stock images and copy and more.
Pledge your support to Gas Safety Week to receive the toolkit.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) alarms in rented properties: the rules are changing
Rules are changing on CO alarms in rented properties in England and Wales later on this year.
It will become a legal requirement for rented homes to have a CO alarm in every room which contains a fixed combustion appliance (other than a gas cooker).
Find out more information about CO alarm regulations.
The HSM Digital Conference is free-to-attend, and you will get unparalleled access to a line-up of leading figures discussing the latest topics, trends, and issues in this sector.
All attendees will have free access to the two-day conference program and receive CPD points for their attendance. You will also be able to network with each other, speakers, and sponsors on the day via live chat or by requesting a video call. You don’t have to stay for the whole day, you can just turn up for the session(s) that interest you the most.
Changes to the transport of dangerous goods regulations – consignor only companies
The Dangerous Goods team at the Department for Transport have created a video to explain:
- the requirement for consignor only companies involved in the carriage of dangerous goods to appoint a Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor (DGSA) no later than 31 December 2022
The video applies to the transport of dangerous goods by road and/or rail.