WOBO supports the focus on health and safety.

Monday 4 October sees the start of a month-long HSE health initiative targeted at the construction sector.
The focus is on respiratory risks associated with exposure to dust with HSE inspectors visiting construction sites across Great Britain throughout the month.
Construction workers die every week from lung diseases caused by exposure to dust with many more suffering severe chronic long-term lung conditions.
The initiative aims to:
- support HSE’s continuing strategy to improve the health of construction workers
- support industry by raising awareness of health issues in relation to dust exposure
Construction dust is a slow killer and employers, small builders and workers need to be aware of how dangerous and hazardous it can be to workers’ long-term health. Inspectors will look to ensure those involved with construction projects know the risks, plan their work and use the right controls. Where poor standards are found, enforcement action will be taken.
To find out more about the initiative view our latest press release and visit our WorkRight campaign website.