WOBO President Paul Myers and WOBO Governor David Gibson were provided with the opportunity to participate in the UNHABITAT World Cities Day 2020 Conference. The key elements under review included climate change, risk assessments, poverty and sustainability. The key theme was how to capture “the whole government and the whole of society” and deliver on UNHABITAT’s goals and ambitions within the global context. The focus on collaboration was key and how to transfer that collaboration in respect of “community issues and community action with a view to seeking “partnership, participation and ownership”.
The report is comprehensive and thought provoking. Take the time to look at the key findings and link them to your plans for the future.
UNHabitat are pleased to announce the release of the World Cities Report 2020 on the Value of Sustainable Urbanization.
The Report analyses the intrinsic value of cities in generating economic prosperity, mitigating environmental degradation, reducing social inequality and building stronger institutions. It shows how together these can drive transformative change.
The Report demonstrates that well-planned, managed, and financed cities and towns create economic, social, environmental and other unquantifiable value that can vastly improve the quality of life of all. Urbanization can be leveraged for the fight against poverty, inequality, unemployment, climate change and other pressing global challenges.