WOBO Governor Omkar Channan has received notification of a special address by the Secretary General of the United Nations.

The United Nations reach out today to share with you details about some very important upcoming climate action milestones. They would be very grateful for your support promoting these events, and especially their outcome.
On 2 December, the Secretary-General will be delivering a major address on the state of the planet at Columbia University in New York. The speech will explore the current crises concerning climate change and biodiversity loss, and outline the urgent steps we need to take to reverse course and take positive action.
Website: un.org/climatechange
Find more details and social media content here
Watch live: webtv.un.org
On 12 December, there will be a special event to mark the five-year anniversary of the adoption of the Paris Agreement on climate change. Co-hosted by the United Nations, the United Kingdom and France, and in partnership with Chile and Italy. The Climate Ambition Summit will bring together world leaders and non-state actors who will demonstrate new, enhanced ambition. The event, which will be virtual, will set the tone for our drive to increase climate action as we move toward the UN Climate Conference COP26.
Find more details and social media content here (assets will be available early December)
Watch live: webtv.un.org
The United Nations encourage you to kindly join the events online and share them with your network and they will continue to update the Trello boards with quote cards, gifs, and videos as they become available.
They will also flag a few special pieces of social media content from the Secretary-General and others right after the event in the hope that you can engage with these specific posts through shares and your own social media posts.
Looking into the future, they are also working on preparations for the Climate Conference COP26 at the end of 2021. They see many more exciting opportunities for engagement and will be sure to share more information as it becomes available.
Thank you again for your commitment to these important issues and we thank you in advance for your support.