Wales: Building Safety – Position Statement

WOBO recognises the changes taking place in the UK following on from the Grenfell fire 2017 and the powers of devolved government.  Wales has provided a position statement that sets out their intent to address the issues that have been raised.


Building Safety – Position Statement
1. It is just over three years since the tragic Grenfell fire on 14 June 2017. It has become clear that the 72 people who died were put in unnecessary and unacceptable danger.

It has prompted extensive inquiries, research and debate about the steps that might be needed to minimise the risk of such a tragedy happening again. Much of that has concentrated on the fabric and construction of high rise residential buildings, as the materials and techniques used in constructing and renovating Grenfell Tower have been implicated in allowing the fire to spread so rapidly. That in turn will mean changes to the system of building control, which regulates how and with what materials buildings must be constructed…..

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