WOBO President and Governors are keen to increase the activities of the organisation and will be focussing on learning and development.

The meeting was interactive and the governors will be looking to broaden the input into both the organisation and supporting the website and would encourage individuals to sign up as members and support the promotion and development of public safety and the initiatives of the United Nations. It was also pleasing for David Gibson as a governor to receive the following observations from Omi, our founding president.
It was an interesting and productive meeting that I greatly enjoyed and appreciated.
The best part was the recognition of WOBO’s 40th Anniversary. It would appear this qualifies me for a Deanship.
I congratulate all the governors and the members for reaching this milestone while experiencing the ups and downs that came our way. Paul, Majed, and David including Majed’s secretary, my personal thanks for the great contribution you have been making ever since taking the reign of WOBO in your hands.
Aside, I would like to mention that WOBO’s membership in the past increased due to various types of certificates I issued to the members, governors, exhibitors and speakers, including organizations that participated in WOBO’s events. People and organizations proudly put WOBO’s certificates on their office walls. That plus the WOBO pin induced people to join WOBO.
Looking forward to meeting you all whenever an opportunity is provided.
With warm regards,
Omkar Nath Channan” Founding President