Seismic and Structural Design, Tokyo, Japan, 2004

Seismic and Structural Design, Tokyo, Japan, 2004 The presentation provided details of high storey, multi use buildings and the design to encompass flexibility and movement. Note: this presentation is in Japanese, however the pictures provide an indication of application and compliance Japan...

Design to Minimize Damage from Explosion 2004

Design to Minimize Damage from Explosion 2004 Governor Barry Schafer presented a reflection on September 11th 2001 on how terrorism would impact on our daily lives.  The presentation viewed the breadth of disasters including gas explosions, accidental impacts and other destructive actions. See more…. Barry...

Key High Rise Provisions, April 2004, Tokyo, Japan

Key High Rise Provisions Governor Tim Ward reviewed the developments of High Rise Buildings and the design based on provisions of the 2003 International Building CodeⓇ and 2003 International Fire CodeⓇ explaining the scope and provisions used for construction, inspection and commissioning of those High...

Minutes of the Board of Governors, April 2004, Tokyo, Japan

Minutes of the Board of Governors, April 2004, Tokyo, Japan Minutes of the Board of Governors, meeting 2004.  The Board of Governors meeting of the World Organisation of Building Officials held at The Building Centre of Japan and transacted the following business Final_WOBO_Meeting_Minutes_April_22_2004...

Fire Safety Design for Buildings – Japan 2004

Fire Safety Design for Buildings – Fire Resistance Verification Method  by Tomohiro NARUSE A Coordinator for International Research Cooperation Building Research Institute Tachihara 1, Tsukuba 305, 0802, Japan Trend of Building Fire in Japan Performance Based Code Framework of Evaluation on Fire Safety under Performance Based...

10 years of Performance Based Regulations in Australia

10 years of Performance Based Regulations in Australia Governor Barry Schafer provides a review of the application of Perfomance Regulations within Australia. AUSTRALIA_AND_PERFORMANCE BASED_CODES...

High Rise Buildings in the Middle East 2004

High Rise Buildings in the Middle East 2004 Governor Harbi Arafat presented on the developments of high rise buildings in the middle east A high-rise Building as defined by Emporis Data Community is a building 35 meters or greater in height, which is divided at...

High Rise Developments – A European Perspective 2004, Tokyo, Japan

High Rise Developments – A European Perspective 2004, Tokyo, Japan Vice President David Gibson presented on the roles and responsibilities linked to High Rise Developments within Europe and the United Kingdom reflecting on the role of Governments in the development and application of both Codes...

High-Rise issues – The World View of CTBUH and CIB

High-Rise issues – The World View of CTBUH and CIB Robert Solomon presented on the CIB International Council for Research and Innovation, and Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat reflecting on the mission to facilitate professional exchanges among those involved in all aspects of...

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