A Business Roadmap to Net Zero

WOBO thanks renewable energy for the link to the Reuters IMPACT event in October – apply for your complimentary ticket. Reuters are excited to invite you to Reuters IMPACT (Oct 4-7), a unique virtual event broadcasted globally, connecting business CEOs and Heads of State to provide economically viable...

Legislation, Regulations: “It’s all in the words isn’t it”

Safety is about conformity.  Does the language achieve this or create confusion?  Governor David Gibson has been looking at the terms used within the UK Regulatory System, in particular the wording such as “reasonable”, “adequate”, “minimum standards”, and the difficulties relating to what is reasonable...

ABCB: A discussion paper in response to the Building Confidence Report (BCR) is now open for public consultation.

Australia – Practitioners Compulsory Continuing Professional Development on the National Construction Code? Recommendation 3 of the BCR is that each jurisdiction requires all practitioners to undertake compulsory continuing professional (CPD) on the National Construction Code (NCC). In response, the BCR Implementation Team has developed draft national model...

BBA: Certification and responses to both the Industry and the Public

WOBO thanks the BBA for the opportunity for its members and fellow professionals to review the actions proposed for certification. The BBA carried out a survey in respect of their certification systems and developments in response to the Building Safety Bill and WOBO recognises their ...

ICC: California launches RESNET water efficiency rating program

WOBO encourages all moves towards water efficiency and the sustainability of the environment on which we all depend. The California Energy Commission’s accredited rating providers, CalCERTS and CHEERS, were recently approved by the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) as official HERSH2O providers — paving the way for...

ICC: Three new fire prevention resources raise safety awareness

WOBO thanks the ICC for their update in respect of “Wildfire Season and Safety”. As the pace of wildfire season increases throughout the United States, the International Code Council — the developer of the most widely used and highly regarded set of building safety codes...

England: The Draft Building Safety Bill is all about competency. So is Colt.

WOBO thanks Colt for their clear indication of performance and response to the goals of the Building Safety Bill.   Building Professionals have an endless task addressing the past, the current and the future.  It is essentail that the construction team collaborates and regenerates the confidence...


As professionals know “we must keep our hat on”. WESTERN ROOFING EXPO 2021 SEPTEMBER 21-23 AT THE MIRAGE LAS VEGAS Register Online at WesternRoofingExpo.com Known as the premier regional roofing event in the United States, the Western Roofing Expo 2021 – September 21-23 at The Mirage...

England: Fire Safety – Building Safety Programme data June 2021

WOBO draws members and fellow professionals attention to the Cladding update within the UK. The latest data from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government highlights the scale of the task that remains 4 years since Grenfell. Of the 474 high-rise residential buildings (over 18m) and...

Pilkington Suncool™ – A range of superior solar-control glass with low-e properties

WOBO Governor David Gibson thanks Pilkington for their update on energy developments. Buildings are increasingly becoming the focus of energy-saving initiatives because, not only are they a significant energy consuming sector, but the technologies and products to make buildings substantially more energy-efficient have already been...

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