UK: Government needs to eliminate policy barriers for anaerobic digestion

All waste treatment systems have a role to play! The potential of the biogas industry to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the UK has been overlooked by British leadership, according to the Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA). The trade body has called on...

UK: Environmental Initiatives

WOBO thanks edie newsroom for the environmental update. 2021 saw the UK Government publishing swathes of paperwork with more detail on delivering net-zero, improving adaptation and restoring nature. But several policy gaps remain as we enter a new year. Here, edie rounds up seven policy...

“Fire safety – people were complacent about it. Grenfell was the wake up call” – RICS’ Gary Strong

WOBO supports professional activity and the promotion of global safety. Currently responsible for developing international standards and guidance for RICS professionals globally, Gary Strong, Global Director of Building Standards at the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), is also leading the International Fire Safety Standards...

WOBO – Open for Membership

WOBO Secretary/Treasurer Majed Dabdoub honoured for his commitment to professional development. WOBO Secretary/Treasurer Majed Dabdoub was presented with the President’s Award by Mr. Qalter Moeller, President of the Southwestern Ohio Building Officials Association and WOBO Member.  Mr Dabdoub received the award in  recognition and appreciation...

Vattenfall exploring high-temperature heat pumps for the UK market

Global net zero requires global integration, research and technology. Vattenfall has confirmed plans to launch an innovative heat pump solution in the Netherlands, with a view to a UK launch, while the UK Government has allocated £19m of fresh funding to heat networks. Vattenfall announced...

Demolition work must be properly planned and managed to prevent serious injury

Construction is a risky business – health and safety must be a key focus at all times. Great Britain’s workplace regulator is asking demolition and construction firms to double-down on thorough planning, management and control of demolition and refurbishment work. The HSE is asking that...

Northern Ireland Energy Strategy

WOBO notes the initiatives in place for Northern Ireland. Paul McCormack, Program Manager of the Belfast Met led £12 million international renewable hydrogen project GenComm which has partners across Europe, welcomed Economy Minister Gordon Lyons launching, ‘The Path to Net Zero Energy’ – an ambitious...

2021 – A year of unfulfilled expectations and frustrations for the fire industry?

WOBO thanks IFSEC GLOBAL for the link to the article by Mike Fox. Mike Fox, founder and MD of MAF Associates, looks back on what he argues was a frustratingly uneventful year for the fire industry, as we anticipate the enforcement of the Fire Safety...

UK: HSE publishes annual work-related ill-health, injury and enforcement statistics for 2020/21

WOBO thanks SHP for the information provided. The HSE has published statistics that cover work-related ill health, non-fatal workplace injuries and enforcement action taken by HSE, in the 2020/21 period. 1.7 million workers suffering from a work-related illness, around half of which were stress, depression...

UK: Consultation for competence of principal designers open

WOBO Governor David Gibson thanks Workplace DNA for the competency update and the opportunity for members to participate. The public consultation for PAS 8671, a new framework for competence of individual Principal Designers and designated individuals working under the Organization Principal Designer, is now open...

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