Did you know OSHA has resources to keep workers safe during tornado recovery efforts?

OSHA – Tornado recovery. Did You Know? Workers performing recovery and cleanup operations following a tornado face hazards including unstable debris piles, falling objects such as tree limbs and utility poles, and burns and electrocution from downed power lines. Visit OSHA’s Tornado Response and Recovery webpage to...

Regulatory changes to building safety – HSE call to designers

High rise buildings – open for comment! Do you have a role in designing high-rise buildings?  If so, it’s important you start preparing now for the changes being proposed under the Building Safety Bill. HSE is calling on designers to prepare now for upcoming regulatory...

NREL scientists partnering with Antora Energy and MIT on TPV projects

Research – Thermophotovoltaic Technology. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has partnered with Antora Energy and theMassachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) over the past three years to engage in two separate projects in thermophotovoltaic (TPV) technology. TPV captures the energy radiated as infrared light from hot objects...

All new buildings must emit a third less carbon, government announces

Carbon emissions; Building Design provides some interesting observations. All new buildings must reduce their carbon emissions by about a third, the government announced today. Building Regulations will be amended to enforce a 30% cut on emissions from new homes and a 27% cut on other...

Health and Safety: Reminder issued on the dangers of emergency tree work

In turbulent times – keep safe! Fallen trees and branches have caused a lot of disruption, but it’s important to remember that emergency tree work is dangerous and should only be done by experienced professionals. HSE is warning farmers to avoid carrying out the work...

Designers must prepare for changes to building safety, says HSE

WOBO thanks Workplace DNA for the update. As part of work underway to establish a new Building Safety Regulator and reform the building safety system, the HSE is urging those who design high-rise buildings to act now to prepare for the changes coming when the...

Hong Kong: Fire takes hold at 38-storey World Trade Centre leaving hundreds trapped on roof

Fire – a daily issue! Hundreds of people were left trapped on the roof of the 38-storey World Trade Centre in Hong Kong after a major fire broke out early on Wednesday afternoon. The building houses offices and a shopping mall in the busy shopping...

UK: Building Safety Bill Round-Up for 2021

WOBO thanks “barbour” for the Fire Safety update.  We are delighted to share our brand-new eBook with you! The Building Safety Bill Round-Up will provide you with a comprehensive round up of key information about the Bill and some of the key terms and provisions it introduces. Download your...

Bureau Veritas validates wind-assisted propulsion system for 1,800 TEU container ship

Sails up! Testing, inspection, and certification company Bureau Veritas (BV) has delivered an Approval in Principle (AiP) to Zéphyr & Boréefor its first open-top 1,800 TEU containership, demonstrating the feasibility of using wind-propelled wing-sails on this type of vessel. The 185 metre-long container vessel is designed with five...

Fire detection system designed to ‘detect fire before cladding is breached’ removes waking watch patrols in ‘high risk’ buildings

WOBO Governor David Gibson thanks IFSEC GLOBAL for their update. “Said to be able to detect fire before cladding is breached, Intelliclad’s internal fire alarm system is designed to remove the need for waking watch patrols, and has recently been installed in two apartment buildings...

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