Building safety organizations to hold discussion on ensuring safety of existing buildings

WOBO welcomes the commitment to community safety. The Building Owners and Managers Association International, the International Code Council, and the National Institute of Building Sciences will convene a panel discussion in West Palm Beach, Fla., in the wake of the Champlain Towers South residential condominium building collapse in...

England: Central register for Building Safety Managers launched

WOBO Governor David Gibson thanks International Workplace for their link to the proposed register for Building Safety Managers. A new central register and certification scheme – the Building Safety Alliance – has been launched for Building Safety Managers following the final report and proposals for...

IFSEC Global: Modern methods of construction and the importance of a systematic approach to fire safety

WOBO recognises and supports the moves towards modern methods of construction and appreciates the emphasis on a systematic approach to fire safety. Much debate continues over Modern Methods of Construction. Though modular, off-site builds can result in significant savings to costs and time, many in...

WOBO thanks UNESCO for its update in respect of developments taking place at CEPT University. UNESCO World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for Asia and Pacific Region recognized the Masters Program in Conservation and Regeneration CEPT University as one of the Commended Cases, Quoting “From different perspectives,...

Australia: National Codes Council – CPD course on Performance Solutions

WOBO welcomes Australia’s support for compliance practitioners. There is a lot of responsibility riding on the shoulders of building compliance practitioners. Industry counts on them to ensure work is evaluated for compliance against the National Construction Code (NCC), regulatory authorities expect due diligence to be...

$1.5 Million DOE Grant Targets Engineering of Cyanobacteria as Biofuel Production Platform

Research is key to future success. A new, $1.5 million Department of Energy grant brings together experts from three institutions to parse the metabolism of a blue-green algae that holds great promise for biofuel production. The team, led by Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering...

England: Planning for the Future – a new, faster, simpler planning system

WOBO welcomes proposals that communities will have the ability to introduce local design codes. The Office for Place and Advisory Board The government’s Planning for the Future proposals set out a package of reforms for a new, faster, simpler planning system. The reforms propose that local authorities...

WSSET: News and articles

WOBO thanks WSSET for their update.   WSSET provide a series of online lectures but they are only available to members.  Membership is free, contact the Secretary Celia Berry, feel free to let her know you received the information via the World Organisation Of Building Official’s...

ICC: Launch of Code on a Mission Challenge

Energy Conservation – WOBO welcomes the ICC initiative. This week, the International Code Council launched its “Code on a Mission” challenge which aims to have over one-third of the U.S. population covered by the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) by the end of 2023....

BSI-125: Concrete Basement Foundations

Basements – back to the basics! The Building Science Corporation is a building science consulting and full service architecture firm with clients throughout North America. Building Science Corporation specializes in building technology consulting. Their focus is preventing and resolving problems related to building design, construction...

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