Code Development: The Proposed Acceptance Criteria (AC516) for Factory Applied Fire-Retardant Penetrants

WOBO Governor David Gibson has been provided with a request for professional support and comment in respect of Code development and acceptance.   The Proposed Acceptance Criteria (AC516) for Factory Applied Fire-Retardant Penetrants Needs Your Comments. As many of you are aware, we’ve been working closely...

RICS: Developing a global standard for fire reporting

Fire is a universal risk impacting on all societies, economies and geographies.  The cost to people, property, business and the environment are enormous.  The RICS have recently published an insight paper on improving fire reporting see Highlighting that we do not have accurate data of how many...

Caribbean’s Largest Solar Generation and Storage System Begins Construction

WOBO supports and promotes the use of solar generation and energy capture. The Government of St. Kitts and Nevis, the state-owned St. Kitts Electric Company and Leclanché SA have broken ground on a landmark solar generation and storage project that will provide between 30-35% of St. Kitts...

UK: Health and Safety

Barbour provides a regular update in terms of Health and Safety within the UK. Interview: Everything Health & Safety with Barbour EHS and Nebosh Teresa Higgins, Barbour’s very own Brand Director was interviewed at the beginning of the month by Nebosh’s Matt Powell-Howard. They discussed...

HUSA: Department of Housing and Urban Development recognizes the IBC and ICC A117.1-2009 as Fair Housing Act safe harbors

WOBO recognises the demographic changes within the global context and supports the promotion and development of an accessible built environment. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recognized the 2009 ICC A117.1 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities Standard and the 2009, 2012,...

England: Building Safety Bill

WOBO recognises the developments taking place within England and the Designing Buildings Wiki site provides a continuing update in terms of developments. The Building Safety Bill 2019-20 was announced in the Queen’s Speech on 19 December 2019 following the Grenfell Tower fire on 14 June 2017. Its purpose is...

ABCB: Consultation periods extended: Building Confidence Report – Draft Auditing and Compliance Publication Framework, and Building Design Acceptance.

The ABCB has extended the comment period for two of its Building Confidence Report consultations. In response to a number of stakeholder requests to extend the comment period for two of its consultations on recommendations from the Building Confidence Report (BCR), the ABCB has now extended: Auditing...

Germany: RWE and DEME Offshore install innovative foundation technology at Kaskasi offshore wind farm

“Innotive Foundation Technology” – WOBO thanks the Renewable Energy Magazine and Robin Whitlock for the link.  For the first time ever in the renewables industry special collars will be installed around the monopile foundation at seabed level. The ‘collared monopile’ is designed based on an...

ABCB: Consultation open: Lead in plumbing products in contact with drinking water

WOBO Members and fellow professionals are encouraged to respond to the consultation linked to public safety. Have your say on whether the allowable level of lead in plumbing products in contact with drinking water should be reduced. As part of the Australian Building Codes Board’s...

UK: How SAP10 will impact the heating industry?

Energy performance within the built environment is a major factor linked to sustainability and the notification from BARBOUR provides a link to building assessment. How SAP10 will impact the heating industry? The latest iteration of SAP10 (10.1) has slashed the carbon emission factor of electricity...

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