ABCB: Consultation open: Lead in plumbing products in contact with drinking water

WOBO Members and fellow professionals are encouraged to respond to the consultation linked to public safety. Have your say on whether the allowable level of lead in plumbing products in contact with drinking water should be reduced. As part of the Australian Building Codes Board’s...

UK: How SAP10 will impact the heating industry?

Energy performance within the built environment is a major factor linked to sustainability and the notification from BARBOUR provides a link to building assessment. How SAP10 will impact the heating industry? The latest iteration of SAP10 (10.1) has slashed the carbon emission factor of electricity...

Trades and apprenticeships: Building for the future

WOBO recognises the skill shortages within the construction industry and was pleased to receive the link to the Building Safety Journal and the article by Tommy Faulkner. For young people entering the engineering and construction industry, there are many benefits to starting a career through...

SCOSS Alert: Lessons Learned from the 2018 Florida Bridge Collapse During Construction

Public safety is a key element of WOBO’s Members work and the SCOSS ALERT serves as a reminder!! This was a bridge of an unusual design and was being constructed in an unusual manner. The main 53m pre-stressed pre-cast concrete span truss was in position...

ABCB: Is one exit enough?

Fire Safety – does it comply?  If Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) Provision D1.4 can be satisfied by providing one exit, is that enough? Although in many circumstances it is, DTS Provision D1.2 may require an additional exit and DTS Provision D1.5 will specify further requirements for that...

UK HSE: Ventilation and air conditioning during the pandemic

WOBO Governor David Gibson has received an update from the HSE and reflects the moves from lockdown to a tiered system.   The law requires employers to ensure an adequate supply of fresh air in the workplace and this has not changed during the pandemic. Good...

New FEMA study projects implementing I-Codes could save $600 billion by 2060

WOBO notes the facts highlighted in the FEMA study and the projected savings through the implementation of International Codes. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) released its landmark Building Codes Save: A National Study featuring an in-depth look at the quantified benefits — avoided losses to buildings...

Invenergy Announces Largest Solar Project in the U.S.

Sustainable energy solutions – wired up to solar. Invenergy, a leading privately-held global developer and operator of sustainable energy solutions, has announced a 1,310-MW solar energy generation facility that will be the largest in the United States upon completion. Currently under construction in northeast Texas,...

Australian Building Codes Board: National Model Code of Conduct for Building Surveyors released

Building Code Officials are always under scrutiny – Australia sets out their expectations. The Model Code sets out the minimum expectations of building surveyors performing statutory functions. At their November 2020 meeting, Building Ministers agreed to release the National Model Code of Conduct for Building...

Getting to Grips with Methane

Governor David Gibson would like to introduce you to the Waste Management World.  Welcome to the November/December issue. Being a “Waste to Energy Special Edition” Edition, we take a look at some sustainable projects aiming to reduce emissions caused by landfilling while recovering energy through...

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