Getting to Grips with Methane

Governor David Gibson would like to introduce you to the Waste Management World.  Welcome to the November/December issue. Being a “Waste to Energy Special Edition” Edition, we take a look at some sustainable projects aiming to reduce emissions caused by landfilling while recovering energy through...

HSE Britain: Dangers of working from height

WOBO recognises that accidents happen but as professionals can we prevent them? Falls from height were the cause of most work-related fatalities in Britain during 2019/20. The latest annual figures (2019/20) revealed that 29 workers were killed in a fall from height last year. Visit our working...

Talking about technology – Deploying mass timber projects with digital systems

The Tallhouse, as a catalog of systems, is intended to accelerate and derisk the adoption of easily digitized and sustainable materials.  The ICC BSJ Weekly provided an insight into the work carried out by Generate LLC. Architectural technology company Generate LLC has developed Tallhouse, an adaptable...

UK Parliament response: Building Safety Bill

The UK Parliament has published their observations on the Building Safety Bill and identified further issues and actions required. Building Safety Bill aims welcome but more detail needed The Government must improve on the detail if it is to demonstrate that its new building safety...

BRE Group: Member support

WOBO Governor David Gibson has worked closely with the BRE Group in the past and is pleased to advise members and fellow professionals of their ability to offer support to both individuals and organisations wishing to work or promote products within the UK. The Building...

UK: Fire Safety: Fire Statistics

Governor David Gibson would like to thank Anthony for providing an update in respect of fire statistics relating to the UK Anthony Walker FRICS MIFireE, Director at Topscan UK Ltd and RICS UK and Ireland World Regional Board member Fire Safety: Fire Statistics The latest Fire...

Building a Safer Future Charter – CABE Becomes a Registered Signatory

WOBO commends the action of CABE and supports the “Building a Safer Future Charter”.   Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE) is pleased to become a Registered Signatory of the Building a Safer Future Charter. CABE recognises that becoming a Registered Signatory is an important first...

November marks Native American Heritage Month: Native American construction on the rise

WOBO thanks ICC and Richard for their news and article in respect of the Native American Heritage Month. Richard Hauffe is a senior regional manager for Government Relations of the International Code Council whose region includes Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. He...

ICC: International Code Council goes virtual for the 2021 Committee Action Hearings

The COVID-19 regime encourages organsiations to work remotely and as such ICC have proposed that their 2024 code development process and its Committee Action Hearings will be a virtual format. Washington, D.C. –  The International Code Council has begun its 2024 code development process and confirmed...

Microferm Manure Digester Success with Five Under Construction in The Netherlands

Resource recycling – manure into energy. The Microferm manure digestion installations of HoSt in collaboration with Jumpstart  dairy company, FrieslandCampina, are a great success. HoSt is currently constructing the popular mono-manure digester at five different dairy farms in the Netherlands. And two have recently been succesfully completed. The...

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