Create Digital Engineers Australia

WOBO appreciates the sample articles from Create Digital Engineers Australia  With time and budget constraints plus significant site issues, a one-of-a kind “jump start” technique was used to deliver a stellar urban regeneration project. Sydney is Australia’s economic epicentre, but most of its inhabitants don’t...

CABE – Built Environment Awards 2024

The opportunity for members and fellow professionals to have their success recognised by the Chartered Association of Building Engineers The CABE Built Environment Awards are bigger than ever and NOW OPEN for entries! Celebrating and recognising the very best of professionals, projects and teams working within the construction sector.  A marker of...

Australian Building Codes Board

WOBO appreciates the ABCB updates Building Ministers met to discuss a range of issues – including the challenges facing the construction industry, the need to prepare our future buildings for a changing climate and the future work program of the ABCB. You can read the...

Dates for your diary

WOBO notes the opportunities for development and participation A Free CPD accredited presentation on “An Introduction To Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems” &“An Overview of Sudstech and Trailflex Tuesday 4th July 10:00am Delivered by Langford Direct via Webinar. Please get in touch for more information. Email to book your space...

edie update

The following provides a sample of the updates and reports identified by ‘edie’ Steel industry implored to stop investing in coal-fired blast furnaces The steel industry will eat into one-quarter of the global carbon budget through to 2050 without concerted efforts to accelerate the transition...

Renewable Energy Updates

WOBO notes the sample of global activities identified by Renewable Energy Companies Team Up to Produce Green Hydrogen With Power from Wind Farms Lhyfe and Capital Energy have signed a collaboration agreement for the joint development of offshore renewable hydrogen projects in Spain and Portugal. Lhyfe is a pioneer...

Safety, Health and Wellbeing – exhibition and conference

Development opportunities for all! Safety, Health and Wellbeing Live brings together the industry’s leading brands Safety, Health and Wellbeing Live South Farnborough International | 27-28 September 2023 From training providers to workwear manufacturers, governing bodies to equipment specialists, our vast range of exhibitors span across...

International Codes Council

WOBO thanks ICC for their updates from BSJ International Code Council and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Host Off-Site Construction Summit On June 9, 2023, the International Code Council in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), hosted...

Construction: New mental health support

Construction is about people we need to ensure the wellbeing of those working within the industry Construction workers get access to new mental health support after statistics show worrying trends Construction workers will now get access to new mental health support after statistics found two...

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