The changing face of sustainability leadership: Do you need an environmental degree to enter the profession?

Professional and Personal skills development. In 2022, sustainability leaders need to have honed their soft skills like communication and collaboration, engaging and mobilising all manner of internal and external stakeholders. So, do you still need an environment-related degree to become a sustainability professional? This is...

What are the health & safety regulations for maintaining historic buildings?

WOBO thanks SHP for the link to the article by Dakota Murphey. Architectural conservation and the effective management of historic buildings and sites requires an ongoing programme of repair and maintenance. In this article, Dakota Murphey highlights the health and safety regulations for maintaining historic...

England: PPE at work regulations updated

WOBO thanks the Safety and Health Practitioner for the reminder of protection to our members and their organisations. From 6 April 2022 the regulations on wearing PPE at work have changed. Here, we explain what’s changing for who, why and how to remain compliant.  The...

Solar Energy Explains Fast Yearly Retreat of Antarctica’s Sea Ice

WOBO and its members appreciate the sharing of research. In the Southern Hemisphere, the ice cover around Antarctica gradually expands from March to October each year. During this time the total ice area increases by six times to become larger than Russia. The sea ice...

Netherlands: Vessel Propelled by Green Hydrogen Gets the Go-Ahead

WOBO thanks “Renewable Energy” for the update on the utilisation of green hydrogen. On 30 March, Minister Harbers of Infrastructure and Public Works officially gave the starting signal for the construction of the ms Antonie, the first inland ship in Netherlands to run fully on...

Modular Construction, High Risk Residential Buildings and the Ethics of Building Safety.

Modular Construction is a potential key to future safety and as such safety cases should be created and utilised. The Grenfell Tower tragedy has quite rightly ushered in a renewed focus from government and regulators on the safety of residential high-rise buildings. The Buildings Safety...

UK: Mayor’s fire safety plan for London aims to exceed national building regulations

Fire Safety – National or Local requirements??? In his draft guidance on fire safety, the Mayor of London is seeking to ensure the highest standards of fire safety from the earliest design stages. Ron Alalouff investigates the details of the proposals. The guidance sets out...

B&W Partners with Kiewit Industrial to Develop World’s Largest Net-Negative CO2 Biomass-to-Energy Facility

WOBO acknowledges the need to develop net-negative carbon initiatives. Babcock & Wilcox will partner with Kiewit Industrial to deliver Fidelis New Energy’s planned net-negative carbon impact biomass power plant at the Port of Greater Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The 200-megawatt electric plant will be the largest of its kind...

Germany: Major electricity sector revamp, significantly boosting renewables goals

WOBO thanks “edie” for the update on energy capture in Germany. The German government has presented a comprehensive revamp of the country’s electricity sector, outlining new frameworks for renewables, power grids and markets in order to set the country on track to reach climate neutrality....

UK: RoSPA’s Safer Stairs campaign achieves major breakthrough

WOBO welcomes the proposed action in terms of safety. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) has confirmed that the campaign to make stairs safer has achieved a major breakthrough, as the Government commits to consultation on changing Building Regulations. The Government is...

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